Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Property Insurance in Indonesia

Here is an article from internet that might be useful for us to know more about insurance in property area. What it covers, what it doesn't, what are the requirements, what can be claimed, what types insurance are....etc....



Property All Risks (PAR) = Industrial All Risks (IAR)

Monday, July 7, 2008, 9:00
Property All Risks, Property Insurance7

Property All Risks Insurance
Covers everything except listed exclusions

PAR/IAR is a very “famoust” name amongst other insurance types, because it covers everything (All Risks) except only a few numbers of risks listed as exclusions

Typical Policy Inclusions
· Coverage for Riots, Strikes, Malicious Damage and Civil Commotions
· Coverage for Typhoon, Storm, Flood and Water Damage
· Coverage for Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami
· Coverage for Landslide and Subsidence

Principal Exclusions
· War, civil war, terrorism, nuclear, radioactive
· Delay, loss of market or consequential loss
· Dishonesty, fraudulent act
· Mechanical breakdown, overheating of boilers
· Wear and tear, inherent vice
· Pollution or contamination

Property Exclusions
· Property being worked upon / in course of construction
· Property in transit, road vehicles, watercraft, aircraft
· Jewelry, precious stone, work of art
· Timber, crops, animal, bird, fish
· Land, roads, railways, canals, rigs, well, pipelines, bridges

Additional Benefits (Clauses)
All Other Contents
Average Relief (85%)
Architects, Surveyors and Consulting Engineers
Capital addition (10% of TSI)
Civil Authorities
Claims Preparation
Fire Brigades Charges
Fire Extinguishing Costs
Impact by own vehicle
Internal Removal
Public Authorities
Removal of Debris
Reinstatement value
Temporary Removal

Deductible is your own risk, amount that will be deducted from your claim payable, for each risks or circumstances usually set out below:
- Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Impact of Aircraft and Smoke : NIL
- Riots, Strikes, Malicious Damage and Civil Commotions : 10% of claim, min Rp10,000,000
- Typhoon, Storm, Flood and Water Damage : 10% of claim
- Landslide and subsidence : 10% of claim
- Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami : 2.5% of TSI
- Others : Rp1,000,000

Property All Risks
In summary, It covers ………

•Fire • Lightning •Explosion • Impact of Aircraft •Riots • Strikes •Malicious act • Civil Commotions •Earthquake • Volcanic Eruption •Tsunami • Typhoon, Storm •Flood, Water Damage • Burglary •Landslide • Impact of vehicle •Impact of falling trees • Architects Fees •Fire Brigades Charges • Fire Extinguishing Expenses •Removal of Debris • Claim Preparation Costs •Other accidental damages •and many more

Business Interruption – optional cover

It Covers Loss of Gross Profit if during the period of insurance the business carried on by the Insured at the premises specified in the Schedule is interrupted or interfered with in consequence of loss destruction or damage indemnifiable under Section I (Property Damage)

•Gross Profit : Sales – Variable Costs – Savings (Net Profit + Fixed Costs)
•Gross Rental : Rental – Savings
•Indemnity Period : 12 to 24 months

Machinery Breakdown – optional cover with sub limit

It Covers any unforeseen, sudden and accidental physical loss, or damage from causes such as defects in casting and material, faulty design, faults at workshop or in erection, bad workmanship, lack of skill, carelessness, shortage of water in boilers, physical explosion, tearing apart on account of centrifugal force, short circuit, storm or from any other cause not specifically excluded in the General or Special Exclusions hereinafter in a manner necessitating repair or replacement.


Every kind of occupation or business can be insured under Property/Industrial All Risks (PAR/IAR) usually with high value to meet the minimum premium required.

•Factory • Industrial or Manufacturing Risks •Warehouses • Ofices •Shophouses • Schools •Hospitals• Hotels •Malls • Container Terminal •Ship Yard • Entertainment • High rise building •Dwelling House •and Others

It stars from 0.1% to 0.25%

Off course, it depends on some underwriting factors i.e. occupation, risk location, sum insured, terms and conditions, loss history, etc. indicative ratings on some occupation are:

You just need to call and advice the occupation, risk location and sums insured, for this type of insurance, survey is compulsory.

Intermezzo> 021 - 27535600

I just got a phonecall from the number 021 - 27535600 Jakarta. Unfortunately I was a bit late to pick up the phone. Thinking that it might be an important call, I tried to call back, but the line was busy all the time, then I decided to browse the net. Apparently this number belongs to a liar/ PENIPU who always call his/her victims by imposting someone who is from a bank/ insurance company.

Beware of this number!! 021 - 27535600. Don't talk too much and avoid to answer by word of  "IYA" or "YES"
HATI-HATI terhadap Penipuan ini. Ingat nomor teleponnya:

Cibubur - Satellite View.

Here are some satellite's view of some areas in Cibubur

Toll Gate : Cibubur. The Main toll gate from Jakarta - Cibubur. Located on Jagorawi Toll Road.

Toll Gate Cimanggis; Currently popular as alternative toll road besides toll Cibubur. Claimed by some real estate developer to be one of their facilities on road access to their property areas.

Recreational park, including Kampung Cina, London Bridge, etc in Kota Wisata.

Main gate from satellite View of Kota Wisata - Cibubur. Located on 8km Transyogie Road.

Famous waterfall building and it's surrounding parks at Mekarsari - Cibubur.

And the Final picture for today is Cibubur Map/ Peta Cibubur based on Google Maps.

Monday, March 29, 2010

House for rent/ sell in Cibubur - Property Ad Kompas

Houses/ land/ property for sale/ rent in Cibubur
Jual rumah, sewa property di Cibubur dengan Iklan Kompas Property 27 March 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Buperta, Camping Ground in Cibubur

Some pictures on Bumi Perkemahan Pramuka Cibubur (BUPERTA)

I suppose it is the statue of Ibu Tien Suharto.

Camping ground

Great General Soedirman Statue

Mosque Jami' Citra Indah Cibubur

Mosque Jami' in Citra Indah Cibubur


Mass Schedule on Saint Yakobus Parish - Kelapa Gading

Just to share the information

Here is a bit intermezzo on Mass Schedule for Kelapa Gading Saint Yakobus Parish.
The Schedule is for holy week that starts from 28 March - 4 April 2010.

Jadwal Misa Pekan Suci 2010, Paroki Santo Yakobus Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara

more information on :

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sekolah Kristen Ketapang Cibubur

Sekolah Kristen Ketapang III

Perumahan Legenda Wisata
Zona Napolen Blok A/E
Cibubur Jawa Barat
Telp. 8233588,8232782,82496255
Fax. (021) 8233571

Cibubur Village Apartment

It is also a subsidized apartment. By looking at the location, it is quite near to Cibubur Crystal Apartment.

Cibubur Crystal Apartment

Here is another news on Cibubur Crystal Apartment

The Apartment Cibubur Crystal Inspiration (3 tower)

Subsidized by Government, Price starts from Rp 144 million Rupiah
Situated startegically in Cibubur, Jl. Radar Auri No. 4-6 Ciracas, Jakarta Timur , with access:
- 3 minutes from Cibubur Toll gate Exit Cibubur Junction and Mc Donald's
- 3 minutes from Cibubur Junction
- 10 minutes from Meilia Hospital
- Gas station in front of the apartment

Properti Syariah Cibubur

Property Syariah

Properti Syariah

Telp : +62 824 959 66

Alamat : Jln.Boulevard Cibubur Country Ruko Blok D no.8 Cikeas Cibubur

Coin Real Estate Agent Cibubur

Coin Real Estate
COIN Real Estate Agent

Telp : +622184931188

Alamat : Kota Wisata Sentra Eropa Blok E No.1 jl.Transyogi KM 6 Cibubur 16968

Kings Property Cibubur

Kings Property Cibubur

Kings property

Telp : +6282482573

Alamat : Ruko Maison Avenue Blok MA No. 18 Cibubur

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tips> Installment on KPR

Short tips for today

When you take KPR/KPA, you need to remember:
1. Do not take KPR installment more than your 33% income each month
2. Take longer installment

Before you take KPR, you need to take these steps:
- Pay all your debts
- Control your monthly expenditures
- Do not take more than 1 credit cards
- Limit your credit card
- Do not take other debts
- The most important thing is save more into your bank account, do not put cash money at home.
- Try to look for other source of income


Information on Cibubur

Have you got any information on
- what is new in Cibubur?
- Any new residence areas?
- Traffic information
- New stores?
- New park?
- etc...

you are welcome to put the information on this web.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Harvest City Town Center

Here is another rendering/ future plan of Harvest City.
Harvest city is located just in front of Mekarsari. It's a brand new residence with offering so many facilities.

Look at the rendering...amazing, isn't it?

Raffless Hills Main Gate

Here is the main gate of Raffless Hills Cibubur


Picking the right home for your family

Here is one good article from the Jakarta Post. It's talking about the gathering place for meeting or even for wedding in Raffless Hills Cibubur.


Picking the right home for your family

Andrea Tejokusumo , THE JAKARTA POST , JAKARTA | Thu, 02/25/2010 12:09 PM | Supplement

Whether you're a first-time buyer, a migrant professional or an investor seeking to climb up the property ladder, the same principles apply when looking for a dream home for every member of the family. The golden rule is simple: find a house you know you can turn into a home.

Many people would agree that in the search of the perfect abode, the three key factors to consider are location, location, location. Since the lack of ample housing around Central Jakarta may pose a problem, families with a penchant for modern urban life are continuously seeking solace at the city's abundant offerings of apartments and residences.

"Ideally, apartments and serviced residences should offer prime location, the utmost convenience and a thorough security system," said Herlina Tamblin, GM sales and marketing for The Peak at Sudirman.

According to Herlina, around-the-clock security and the use of private lifts and access cards at top-rated apartment buildings have become a sort of customary rule for the comfort and privacy of tenants.

Furthermore, facilities from fitness center and first-class sports facilities (like The Peak's Olympic-size swimming pool), together with spa and sauna, coffee shop, mini market and laundry service, can give much added value for residents.

Herlina reckons that The Peak's flexible lease terms - starting from one-month lease periods and with the choice of either unfurnished, semi-furnished or fully-furnished unit - should make moving in and out all the more hassle-free and convenient for migrant professionals and expatriates.

"Especially for families with children, The Peak has a playground and kids' room as well as an all-purpose function room. There are special rates available for corporate tenants, and a limited time sales offer is currently running until the end of the month," she said.

Apartment life may be getting more common in an urban jungle like Jakarta, but how about families still craving the feel of a traditional home, gardens and all?

One of the most important things to consider when buying a house on the outskirts of Jakarta is notably accessibility: not only do transportation links allow you easier access to and from the city, having additional routes can have a big effect on property values in the area.

There are also considerations for the surrounding area's potential and new developments such as restaurants, shops, schools and other entertainment offerings.

For this purpose, residential complexes like Raffles Hills Cibubur serve as a marriage of both worlds. Situated 900 meters from the Cibubur toll gate, the cozy complex is literally minutes away from the city with all the mod cons of modern life.

Raffles' Hills residents can now look forward to more gatherings and social events as its developer unveils Tirta Raffles Hills, a new facility for holding outdoor events with a total capacity of 1,000 persons.

Wherever you choose to stay and however large your home, keep in mind that the right house will become your sanctuary, a safe place for your children and their friends, and a place where you will make many lasting, happy memories for years to come.

Kompas Property Ad 20 March 2010

Here there are, the second ads collections from Kompas 20 March 2010. These ads will make us easier to spot which property in Cibubur areas you'd like to have by looking at the ads.

Harian Kompas untuk Iklan property yang dijual/ sewa di area Cibubur.

Friday, March 19, 2010

TDL raise will increase the housing price

One news that come to us in the beginning of 2010 is the plan of raising the power tarrif by 15% (TDL). It is said by many kind of organisations that the plan will automatically increase the housing price. Will it be true? Considering all materials will increase too due to power tariff raised.

We should see from some point of views. The article below is from developer point of issue. Is that the reason they raise the price for houses? Just to increase their margin? But we believe on one thing might lead to another. Just be fair.

Here is another article talking about the issue

Source: 19 March 2010

Jumat, 19/3/2010 | 05:09 WIB

JAKARTA, - Rencana kenaikan tarif dasar listrik mulai Juli 2010 membuat pengembang properti resah. Kenaikan tarif itu dinilai akan berdampak pada penambahan struktur biaya produksi rumah.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengembang Perumahan dan Permukiman Seluruh Indonesia (Apersi) Eddy Ganefo di Jakarta, Kamis (18/3), mengatakan, kenaikan tarif dasar listrik (TDL) untuk industri akan berdampak pada harga bahan baku pembuatan rumah karena biaya produksi industri bahan baku rumah akan meningkat.

Bahan baku rumah yang diperkirakan harganya akan naik antara lain semen, besi, dan komponen listrik seperti kabel. Apalagi, meski belum ada kenaikan TDL, harga baja (salah satu komponen produksi rumah) telah naik.

”Kenaikan TDL akan berdampak pada peningkatan harga komponen bahan baku rumah. Padahal, harga rumah sederhana bersubsidi dipatok tidak boleh melampaui harga maksimum,” ujar Eddy.

Untuk membangun rumah sederhana bersubsidi bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan di bawah Rp 4,5 juta per bulan, pemerintah mematok harga maksimum rumah sederhana sehat Rp 55 juta per unit dan harga rumah susun sederhana milik Rp 144 juta per unit.

Kenaikan biaya produksi rumah, menurut Eddy, tidak sebanding dengan patokan harga rumah bersubsidi. Ini membuat margin keuntungan pengembang semakin tertekan.

Oleh karena itu, Eddy meminta pemerintah segera mengkaji ulang patokan harga rumah sederhana sehat dan rumah susun sederhana milik.

Apalagi, lanjut Eddy, kenaikan TDL belum menjamin tersedianya jaringan listrik untuk rumah sederhana sehat dan rumah susun sederhana milik. Menurut data Apersi, setidaknya 25.000 rumah yang dibangun Apersi saat ini belum teraliri listrik.

Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Real Estat Indonesia (REI) Teguh Satria menegaskan, tidak adanya sambungan listrik pada rumah yang sudah terbangun membuat rumah tersebut belum layak untuk dihuni.

Kekurangan pasokan listrik perumahan, kata Teguh, tiap tahun cenderung terus meningkat. Pemerintah diimbau untuk melakukan upaya yang serius untuk menjamin ketersediaan listrik bagi rumah-rumah.

”Hambatan pasokan listrik perumahan jika terus dibiarkan akan membuat laju kekurangan penyediaan rumah layak huni semakin besar,” ujar Eddy.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat, sekitar 100.000 rumah sederhana sehat hingga Januari 2010 belum tersambung listrik.

Menteri Perumahan Rakyat Suharso Monoarfa menilai, rencana kenaikan TDL tidak akan memengaruhi pengadaan perumahan bagi masyarakat menengah bawah. Kenaikan TDL hanya berlaku bagi perumahan yang memiliki kapasitas di atas 900 kilovolt ampere.

Menpera berharap kenaikan TDL bisa meningkatkan rasio kelistrikan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. ”Saya harap, dengan kenaikan TDL, listrik di Indonesia tidak byarpet lagi,” kata dia.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Jenderal Listrik dan Pemanfaatan Energi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral J Purwono mengemukakan, pemerintah sedang mempersiapkan detail kenaikan TDL.

Besaran kenaikan TDL direncanakan berlaku variatif. Ada golongan pelanggan yang mengalami kenaikan TDL lebih dari 15 persen, tetapi ada yang kurang dari 15 persen. (Brigita Maria Lukita/KOMPAS Cetak)

West Covina from Kota Wisata

Recently we haerd alot about the development progress in Cibubur, one of them is in Kota Wisata. New cluster West Covina is on the way

New Cluster from Citra Gran - The Lakewood

One of the types that launched is Amersee, located in a new cluster in Citra Gran, nearby side entrance to short access to Cimanggis toll gate.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Traditional Market Kota Wisata Cibubur

Sources: Kompas, 17 March 2010

Wish every traditional market can take this market as a model.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mekarsari on Weekend 13-16 March 2010

Here is another good announcement from Mekarsari.. the Amazing Tourism Park in Cibubur.
Dicount on entry tickets during the period of 13-16 March 2010.

Kompas Ad on Property 13 March 2010

Starting from today, I will add some adverstisement from Kompas Saturdays Property News. I wish this information will be just helpful and make it easier to look for the property sale in Cibubur areas.


Kompas 13 March 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rawon Setan

Cibubur Junction Lantai Lower Ground Unit 16

Jl. Jambore No. 1

Ciracas, Jakarta Timur

Rawon Nguling

Rawon Nguling

Jl. Alternatif Cibubur Komp. Ruko Kav. DDN

Cibubur - Jakarta Timur