Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Intermezzo> 021 - 27535600

I just got a phonecall from the number 021 - 27535600 Jakarta. Unfortunately I was a bit late to pick up the phone. Thinking that it might be an important call, I tried to call back, but the line was busy all the time, then I decided to browse the net. Apparently this number belongs to a liar/ PENIPU who always call his/her victims by imposting someone who is from a bank/ insurance company.

Beware of this number!! 021 - 27535600. Don't talk too much and avoid to answer by word of  "IYA" or "YES"
HATI-HATI terhadap Penipuan ini. Ingat nomor teleponnya:


  1. He called me back yesterday...but when I picked up the phone, the line was redirecting to someone else...sounds like we are the one who makes the call.... I just hanged it up!!...

  2. ane juga beberapa minggu ini ngalamin gan, malah gak ada yg suara walau dibiarin bermenit2. jangan2 modusnya hape kita dibiarin on, trus dia call nomor yang ada di emergency contact kita yang ada diaplikasi kartu kredit.

    untungnya ane dah pindah dan nomor2 itu dah gak aktif/punya orang lain. jadi mo telp silahkan aje.... hehehe.
